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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gold Mineral Facts:

Chemical Formula
Octahedral Gold crystals attached together, specimen from California
: Au 
Colors: The mineral is various shades of metallic yellow, depending upon purity, becoming paler with increase in the percentage of silver present.
Hardness: 2.5 to 3
Density: 15.6 to 19.3

Density varies somewhat depending on impurities - the purer the heavier.
Cleavage: None  
Crystallography: Isometric
Sometimes found as octahedral crystals. Usually in irregular plates, scales or masses, seldom definitely crystallized. Gold is also found arborescent crystal groups with crystals elongated in the direction of an octahedral axis. Crystals are irregularly distorted to the point of passing into filiform, reticulated and dendritic shapes.


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